Linkin Park was the first band I ever got into of my own volition. The first album I ever bought was Minutes to Midnight. I would have been around eight. Given Up was my favorite song off that album. I think it was the scream. You know the one. It just had such power, how could I not be mesmerised. I didn’t understand what it was about. I was eight. But as I grew older, and as I began to struggle with mental health I found myself relating to these songs more and more, beyond simply loving the music. It was just nice to know that I wasn’t alone. That if I needed to scream I had a soundtrack. The Given Up scream is something that so many people have replicated in youtube videos. It’s something that’s incredibly difficult to do but feels universal somehow. It’s a brilliant song and Linkin Park is a brilliant band that was very important to me for a very long time.