
Video Games

I’ve been playing video games since I was around four when my uncle bought me a Gameboy Advance and a copy of Pokemon Sapphire. I mostly played Nintendo games (some big ones being Pokemon, Phoenix Wright and Advance Wars, all of which I played a lot growing up.) At some point I progressed to playing PC games with X-Com and Skyrim, discovered that PC games were a lot cheaper in general and started playing those a lot. It was still a lot of popular, triple A stuff for a while until I became a teenager and started playing a lot more indie games as well as a lot of competitive multiplayer games.

As much of a role as they play in my life, and as much time as I spend playing them, it’s weird how they’re not Important in my head. You have wonderful single-player experiences like with Slay the Spire which I’ve poured hundreds of hours into, and I love that game to bits. But it never really changed the way I view the world or had a strong impact on me beyond “It’s a fun puzzle and I like puzzles.” I’m going to list some of these games, since I think they’re fun and wonderful and you should play them. But they’re not things that have revolutionized anything that I consider Me. But there are a handful that stick out as Important so I’ll mention that first.

Other games I consider my favorites include
  • Nuclear Throne: It’s one of those games that you feel so viscerally that I can’t help but love it.
  • Duck Game: My go to multiplayer game for friends that isn’t Jackbox
  • Baba is You: Hot take, puzzles are fun. Also see Stephen’s Sausage Roll
  • Hades: Not the best gameplay wise compared to many of its contemporaries, but damn does everything else more than make up for it.
  • Endless Legend: My favorite 4X game. I love how varied all the factions are.
  • Life Is Strange: I should really play the new one, huh
  • Darkest Dungeon: Lovecraftian Tactical Roguelike. All my favorite buzzwords!
  • Some more niche games that you should play include: Minit, Wandersong, Secret Little Haven, Offworld Trading Company, Sanctuary RPG, Dicey Dungeons