
Under Construction

Finally Tabletop Games, (specifically tabletop RPGs). These are the type of games that are probably the most Important to me as I’ve defined them. The mix of collaborative storytelling, embodying characters and narratives over a long period of time, and the weirdness of the form make it ideal for that. It’s very much an extension of a childhood spent on Text RP forums but the less said about that the better.

It’s hard to talk about why specific TTRPGs are important to me, even if games and campaigns are clearly Important. Why is FATE any more important than GURPS except that I had long-running campaigns in one and not the other? (For context, I do prefer FATE to GURPS, though GURPS is still an interesting read). So instead of regaling you with tales of TTRPGs past, I’m just going to list some TTRPG systems that I think do something unique and interesting.

  • Masks: PBTA fits with my style of DMing well and I love superhero stuff. It’s good fun
  • An Altogether Different River: I love worldbuilding TTRPGs and this one does that with a delightfully melancholy way
  • Anything By Grant Howitt: The man makes one page RPGs. You can take the time to read some
  • Wanderhome: This one is pretty popular, but there’s something incredibly sweet about its active nonviolence.
  • Burning Wheel: I will literally never play this game, but hoo boy is it Weird and does it have some Interesting rules.
  • Numenera: My all time favorite TTRPG setting (even if I’m eh on the rule system). It’s set so far in the future that 8 civilizations have lived to unimaginable technological heights and fallen and we live in the ruins of this world. Technology is indistinguishable from magic, and it’s all about exploring the world and discovering these ruins and trying to use these pieces in our new world. The art is gorgeous, the world is brilliant and the monsters are some of my favorites in any ttrpgs. I normally love plot/character driven TTRPGs but this is just such a magical world, I can’t help but be fascinated by it.