Let me actually tell you a little bit about Fables first. It’s a story about all the fairy tale creatures and characters moving to New York as an evil overlord takes control of all the fairy tale lands. These immortal, magical story creatures live in New York for centuries. While the cast is pretty large, it focuses mainly on Bigby Wolf, (the Big Bad Wolf), a detective in the fable community. The stories range from gritty PI stories in New York with magical beings to grand wars in a fantasy world. It definitely has its problems, but I still quite enjoy it.
Fables is really important for one reason. It got me into comics as a medium. Well, that’s not exactly accurate. I had been reading superhero comics since I was little, but that was all I read. I didn’t really even know about all the other cool stuff that existed. I had ended up playing game called Wolf Among Us, a game that I absolutely loved. It was a fun mix of crime-drama and fantasy and I wanted to play more, even as the game finished. As luck would have it, it was based on a pretty long comic series that I ended up reading. From there I found Image comics and the other Vertigo titles and my tastes and the things I read really expanded because of Fables. I don’t think I would have read all the comics I have if it wasn’t for Fables. I haven’t mentioned a lot of important comics here, but that’s mostly because of time. I’m skipping over a lot. I would not be the person I am without the perspectives I’ve considered from the stories I read and Fables was the First.